Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hi There!!! So much is going on and the eclipses in September still continue to cause intense changes in our lives. I am in Tampa, Florida getting ready to leave again, this time for Toronto, where I will be speaking at a Psychic conference.
Thanks to all seventeen of you who participated in the Sedona Experience! I enjoyed the group energy and all the sharing. I will post the pictures of the trip as soon as I return from Canada.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

September is still coming strong. We have one more eclipse to deal with Sept. 22nd. Have you noticed the changes going on in relationships lately? Wow. I have lots of my clients dealing with relationship issues. I have also noticed many people are being asked to leave where they are living and go somewhere else.(me for example). Just in the last three days I have said goodbye to close friends and clients who are moving somewhere else. Some are returning to their homelands while others are going on new adventures. Whatever the case, this kind of move is always a little scary. But hang on because even if it gets a little bumpy, things will work out. It is part of the energies on the planet right now. Also look for changes with work and career!!
Everything will start to make sense in October and a new life and awareness will kick in around May 2007.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Thank god it's September. As many of you know, August was a scary month. I knew it from the start and must admit that eventhough I braced myself, the month took it's toll. I had more clients than usual, this means unfortunately that more people were feeling like they needed clearing and emotional understanding. The month had heavy celestial complications for those who needed a kick in the rear, and also for those who did not know they neede a kick.

But have heart, September promises to be a great month for all of us. There are very intense eclipses this month that will defenitely put pleasure and fun back into our lives. Of course there will be intense moments for those whom the eclipse will intensify their issues. But if we are aware that this is going to happen and we welcome the opportunity to have universal help, then everything will turn out perfect, even if we end up a little bruised.

There are new forces at play in the universe this month. I have a bad feeling about the international situations. We are goiong to have to wait and see what happens between now and the 10th of September. If we make it o.k. until then, I I will feel better even if I was wrong.

There is something happening on a grand universal way. I have been feeling like there is some opening in the cosmos, some gateway. I am talking about macrocosmos stuff now. I do not know how it will affect the micro of our lives yet, but I think there is going to be lot's of psychics, intuitives and healers that are going to feel a change.

By the way, what is going on with people's teeth lately? Everyone of my clients as well as myself are all having tooth or mouth problems. could this mean something to do with new information and downloads?
Well kids, looks like I am being called to Florida soon. I have been told by my guides that this trip is going to be very interesting and profound. I know that there is no coincidence about being in Sedona on October's full moon in Aries(my rising sign). As always what ever information gets downloaded to me while I am there, I will pass on to all of you. If you are not able to come, but would like to connect to the group energy, that day/night, send me your e-mail and I will let you know the exact time we will be meditating and will include your name in the circle. I am enclosing some more pictures of our last trip to sedona. This trip is now full. Many of you have asked me when and where is the next. We are planning the next trip in November, for those who could not go, but we are going to Santa Fe, New Mexico. I am bringing some friends from Brazil on this tour.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hi there, again, I am about to shift and I want to take you with me this time. I have been feeling a little different the last few days and I know that another energy shift is happening. This shift interferes or changes the way I do my readings. I start to notice changes in my sleeping habits my food intake and my energy level. My clients all notice the change in my tone of voice and the speed in which I talk. I loose track of when I am channeling and when I am using my intellect.

Today is a Kabalistic day, 8-8-8. There is lots of mystical stuff going on with this alignment. I will tell you to take it easy and do not get into fights with your close friends or lovers. Also, please take control over your anger and disappointments. Let today be a Margarita Day!

Lots of excitement abounds the Sedona trip. I have decided to come to Tampa earlier so I can get some of the group members ready for the experience. I will be doing one on one with those who need it and for those who do not know they need it. I will be arriving on the 29th of September and will be available for individual consultation the following days prior to the trip. I also will lead a group session on OCTOBER 1ST. Keep in touch with Kareen for further information on this meeting. Please let me have your e-mails so I can keep you posted on trip changes and other events. I am planning a spiritual journey to Santa Fe and of course, an amazing trip to Brazil. The Brazil trip will include the most magnificent sceneries and spiritual encounters, sure to make it a life experience you will never forget.

Friday, June 30, 2006

This page is especially for those who are going or thinking about going on the Sedona Experience in October. Many have asked how Kareen and I know each other. This is a long and wonderful story which I will save for the trip but I will give you a quick insight into this mystical experience.

December 29th, 1995. The scene starts with me heading back to my Adobe home in a nearby village called Galesteo. I had just left a very nice Christmas dinner party . My friend and house guest, a beautiful French woman named Katherine wanted me to stay at the party a little longer. But I was determined to go home. Something was pulling at my soul and I felt I needed to be alone. She told me that it was too early and she wanted to stay a while longer and spend some time with the hosts and stay overnight there. I was more than happy to oblige. After all, I was feeling strange, anxious and I really wanted to go home and crawl in my warm bed and be at one with myself. There were many thoughts going thru my mind as I started my new white Izusu 4x4. Why was I feeling so out of sorts, as if something was going to happen. I backed out of the driveway and started my decent toward the Galesteo Basin. The evening was beautifully. The stars were all out and glistening in the cool Santa Fe sky. I started to think about the recent events that had occurred in my life. The coincidental meeting of new people whom had told me that my life was about to change. What did that change intail? All of a sudden I felt a power taking over the car. I gripped the steering wheel firmly. The car continued to shake and next thing I know I am flying thru the air as the car plunges down a mountain ravine. The car goes on a tailspin and finally comes to a rest on the fence surrounding a power substation at the bottom of the ravine. When I come to, I am running down a long tunnel. The tunnel resembles a stone cave and at the end there is a very bright light. I find myself running effortlessly, almost flying toward this light....... I am dead!!!

The day was beautiful and bright and warm as Kareen set out to the Tampa airport to catch her flight to Santa Fe. Although she had done this flight before, she felt different about this trip. She felt a certain axiety that she could not explain. The day before she decided to visit St. Michael's chaple and now was carrying a small bottle of his healing oil with her. Why she had brought the oils was not clear to her. Who was she going to heal? What was awaiting her in Santa Fe? Why was she feeling so strange? Little did she know her life was about to change for ever!!!!

Please do not forget to scroll down to read the other postings and the Sedona Itinerary!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I am including a small excerpt from my latest book. I hope you like it........

I am writing this book during a panic crisis. At least, I think it is a panic crisis. I am feeling out of my body which is not an uncommon feeling for me, except this time I am feeling it very strongly. I am disoriente, confused. Is it fear? O.K, let’s be rational about this. I went to my laptop and pulled up “Panic Attacks” in my google search engine, but the definitions were not quite indicative of what I was feeling. Am I just temporarily flipping out or am I having one (panic attack)? Maybe this is another ascension process? I have been known to loose my mind every once in a while during a new download. (That’s what I call it when I feel the guides are working on me. Am I going crazy this time or is it a new energy being assimilated by my body? We, lightworker always have to question ourselves because the paradigms are changing so fast, that only thru deep introspective analysis and meditation, can we be somewhat sure of what is really going on. This is one of those moments when I get on the phone and call my fellow lightworkers and ask the classic question: “Are you alright, are you feeling anything strange.” The hope is that one of my close friends is also experiencing the same thing. If that is the case, I know it is Universal and not just me. Sometimes knowing that it is happening to others makes me feel much better, yet in most cases it doesn’t really matter what the answer is, I feel alone and uncertain anyway.
It is not easy being a spirit in a physical body for any one of us, but when you are riding with one foot on either worlds, things get a little weird at times. The classic doubts such as “Am I really feeling this because I am a channeler and intuitive or am I being just human and going thru my issues?” come up. So what am I to do? Ask advice from another psychic? How can you be sure to trust another intuitive when he or she may be going thru their issues that day? Worse, “what if they have an agenda going with me?” Maybe they are jealous of me or maybe they want to control me, (paranoia). Maybe I am being judged by their own projections of who they think I am? Maybe this whole “feeing weird” thing is a test to be sorted out by myself? Things can get very confusing when dealing with this stuff.

You are probably asking yourself, “What the hell is he talking about?” To answer this question, I think I better start by telling you a little about how I got to the state of mind in which I find myself today. For beginners, let’s start with what I do for a living. I am a career coach by profession. “What is a Career Coach, you ask?” Well, my job is to listen to my clients and help them get a new perspective on what is going on in their lives and careers. In order for me to be effective, I need to be cleared minded so I can pay close attention to their story. We all have stories, you know. Every story is different, unique. Some stories are never heard while others turn into legends and myths. Some will turn into books and others will turn into movies. Some have happy endings while others have no endings at all. Even thought we all have different stories, at a deep level, we are all connected thru a common thread. This thread is a universal consciousness. This thread leads us home, to the beginning, to the source, to the ONE. To discover our story is the purpose of my work.

I wasn’t always a Life Coach. I used to practice Architecture and construction. You might say I still do the same thing, except I design and remodel people now. I used to call myself a psychic, but that sounded cheap and unprofessional. Besides, I was expected to read Tarot cards or crystal balls. So, I changed it to something more interesting and classy. I started to call myself an “Intuitive”. Being an intuitive required me to explain myself all the time. I no longer had the clients who wanted a psychic reading and others did not understand the difference. I, myself, couldn’t figure out what to say to people when they would ask me what the difference between a psychic and an intuitive was. Of course I always could say something smart like “I do not use cards!” “I do not need any tools to read”! But it was my ego that was playing out the words. The truth was that I was no longer willing to be the know all and the one with all the cards (pardon the pun). I wanted them to interact and come to their own conclusions as to what they wanted to happen in their lives. Many of my old clients who were in deep denial and not willing to look at their issues, instead wanting me to make them feel better ran way after a few of my new and improved sessions. But with time the clientele started to change. Sure, I was still dealing with people who wanted to know about love and relationships, career, kids, money, betrayal and health. You know the usual. But these clients were willing to go deeper into their own process. This slight shift in perception of my work led me to start creating workshops and seminars to attract those interested in the whys of life not just on the whys of their lives. I found this shift refreshing. After all it had become a little boring working with clients who did not want to take responsibility for their lives, but instead wanted me to fix it and tell them that they were victims of external forces but that everything was going to turn out right(magically).

During my transition as a psychic to an intuitive, I stopped giving my clients the usual remedies such as a candle to light, a prayer to use and a bath to take. Those clients that had been used to my way of reading left me when I started to point out their issues. Many of them wanted to pay me large sums of money to put spells on their boyfriends and/or to bring them money, (lucky winnings) success (their boss’s job), and revenge the wrongs done by their friends that had betrayed them. They became angry at me for not helping them the way other psychics did! I was lost, feeling frustrated and confused. Was I really being a psychic? Was I doing spiritual counseling? Had I stepped into the world of psychologist and therapists? If so, did I know what the hell I was doing? I did not have proper training in these fields. What if I cause more damage than good to someone who really needs professional help? Aha! There was the answer. “I was not a professional!”
I was a psychic trying to be an intuitive counselor but accredited in nothing! No degree, no diploma and no formal education on the human psyche. I was a charlatan, making money of people’s emotional needs. Who gave me permission to practice my work? Where did my intuitive knowledge come from?
I needed to explore this panic attack further, so I went into deep reflection and meditation. Hours passed and I drifted into a subtle sleep state I when I came out of it, I sat down in front of my computer and here is what I started to write:

Stay tune for more.....

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hi my name is Nilo. Welcome to my blog. I am just starting, so please come back and check out the pictures for my next adventure to a Sacred destination.
In October, I will be taking a group to Sedona, Arizona. It's a group of Brazilians(since I now live in Rio de Janeiro) as well as a group from Tampa, Florida. Come with us to the magical vortexes of Sedona and a side trip to the Grand Canyon. Along the way, we will visit the newest White Buffalo calf which was just born. This white buffalo is a great sign of changes to come on this earth.
I am an Intuitive Life Coach. I counsel people on what are possible outcomes to their immidiate future based on the path they are choosing to walk and how to attain their goals even if different from their existing creative process of manifestation. Does this make any sense? Absolutely yes!
After one session, my clients start to have a different experience of their life and feel more in control of their destiny. Basically, I awaken them to their divinity and allow their higher self to be in control! Wow! Similar to what happened to Neo when he woke up from the Matrix.

As a matter of fact, sometimes I will ask my first time clients if they want to take the blue pill and stay as they are(asleep) or the red pill and see how fantastic their life can be.

I also have a tour company and take foreigner to visit my coffee farm in the Paraiba Vale, near Rio. We created a new tourist destination for Brazil by opening the private homes of Coffee farmers to cultural and historical tours. The farms are beautiful. Check out my website for more information and pictures.

Below is the itinerary for our October 4th-8th, 2006 trip to Sedona and the Grand Canyon:

Tour ItineraryDay 1. Wednesday. Phoenix/ Sedona - Airport Vortex - Arrival in Phoenix and transfer via our shuttle to Sedona, the land long considered important by many cultures for its spiritual powers and stunning Red Rock Canyons. Along the way, we stop for a visit to Montezuma’s well. We will meditate at the sacred rocks. After lunch we continue to Sedona.

This area was home to the ancient Sinagua people, and is rich with their cliff dwellings and ancient petroglyphs. We Arrive mid-afternoon and check into our accommodations. Free time before we begin our magical experience as we gather for a special ritual with Nilo and Kareen and a meditation at scenic Airport Vortex, where we watcht the sunset. The magical energies of the Red Rocks bless us with their ancient presence. Return to our hotel for our
"Welcome to Sedona” Dinner.

Day 2. Thursday. Bell Rock, Red Rock Crossing & Cathedral Rock - We begin our day at Bell Rock, the great sentinel and beacon of Sedona's principal vortexes, for another moderate hike and meditative experience, facilitated by Nilo.We continue to one of Sedona's most beautiful places...Red Rock Crossing for a peaceful walk along serene Oak Creek and awesome views of Cathedral Rock, followed by a delicious lunch. Return to our hotel for a bit of rest and relax and shopping for crystals. In the later afternoon we depart to Cathedral Rock, the "Castle Vortex" of Sedona. After a time to walk around the area and enjoy the stunning vistas before us on all sides, we gather at a local medicine wheel, where Kareen will facilitate a meditation and ceremony to give thanks for the transcendental gifts of healing and wellness we have received during our relaxing and rejuvenating stay in magical Sedona.Return to the hotel.

Day 3. Friday. FantasyMakers/To Flagstaff - After breakfast, we depart Sedona and head north through the majesty of Oak Creek Canyon and some of America's most breathtaking red-peaked rocks to Flagstaff, ski mecca of northern Arizona and crossroads to the Grand Canyon. As we enter the city, we are greeted by the San Francisco Peaks, the holy mountains where the Hopi Kachinas are said to dwell for part of the year. Continuing on through stands of aspen and Ponderosa Pine, we stop at the home of the White Buffalo family, where we meet the Buffalo Guardians Jim & Dena Riley and hear the unique stories of Miracle Moon, Rainbow Spirit, Peace Pilgrim, Arizona Spirit and the others in the herd. The White Buffalo is known as the healer. She brings peace and harmony to all living things. She's here to remind us of our connection to all animals, other humans, Mother Earth and Father Sky. It was foretold by the native people that the return of the White Buffalo tour world would be a message that the time has come for ALL relations to come together in Peace, Harmony & Balance to bring healing to our world. We continue on the road for lunch at the Grand Canyon . After lunch, we take time to experience the majestic views and take lots of pictures. Depending on weather, a meditation will take place at the edge of the Grand Canyon. Later we dine at the famous El Tovar Lodge, walk along the breathtaking canyon rims. 7:00p.m. we depart for Sedona.

Day 4. Saturday: After breakfast, you have free time this morning to explore the local shops and galleries on your own. Or, maybe you'd like to book an optional appointment for a massage or energy balancing session. There are many excellent body/energy workers in Sedona! At 4:00p.m. we depart to Phoenix for our last night get together dinner. Closing ceremony and early to bed.

Day 5. Sunday. We leave for Phoenix Airport and catch an early flight home. Back in Tampa around 5:00p.m.

The Brazilian group will continue to Santa Fe, New Mexico for sweatlodge ceremonies and other activities.

For more information, call me: From USA, 813-774-6661 in Rio 21-2245-7737