Sunday, June 18, 2006

I am including a small excerpt from my latest book. I hope you like it........

I am writing this book during a panic crisis. At least, I think it is a panic crisis. I am feeling out of my body which is not an uncommon feeling for me, except this time I am feeling it very strongly. I am disoriente, confused. Is it fear? O.K, let’s be rational about this. I went to my laptop and pulled up “Panic Attacks” in my google search engine, but the definitions were not quite indicative of what I was feeling. Am I just temporarily flipping out or am I having one (panic attack)? Maybe this is another ascension process? I have been known to loose my mind every once in a while during a new download. (That’s what I call it when I feel the guides are working on me. Am I going crazy this time or is it a new energy being assimilated by my body? We, lightworker always have to question ourselves because the paradigms are changing so fast, that only thru deep introspective analysis and meditation, can we be somewhat sure of what is really going on. This is one of those moments when I get on the phone and call my fellow lightworkers and ask the classic question: “Are you alright, are you feeling anything strange.” The hope is that one of my close friends is also experiencing the same thing. If that is the case, I know it is Universal and not just me. Sometimes knowing that it is happening to others makes me feel much better, yet in most cases it doesn’t really matter what the answer is, I feel alone and uncertain anyway.
It is not easy being a spirit in a physical body for any one of us, but when you are riding with one foot on either worlds, things get a little weird at times. The classic doubts such as “Am I really feeling this because I am a channeler and intuitive or am I being just human and going thru my issues?” come up. So what am I to do? Ask advice from another psychic? How can you be sure to trust another intuitive when he or she may be going thru their issues that day? Worse, “what if they have an agenda going with me?” Maybe they are jealous of me or maybe they want to control me, (paranoia). Maybe I am being judged by their own projections of who they think I am? Maybe this whole “feeing weird” thing is a test to be sorted out by myself? Things can get very confusing when dealing with this stuff.

You are probably asking yourself, “What the hell is he talking about?” To answer this question, I think I better start by telling you a little about how I got to the state of mind in which I find myself today. For beginners, let’s start with what I do for a living. I am a career coach by profession. “What is a Career Coach, you ask?” Well, my job is to listen to my clients and help them get a new perspective on what is going on in their lives and careers. In order for me to be effective, I need to be cleared minded so I can pay close attention to their story. We all have stories, you know. Every story is different, unique. Some stories are never heard while others turn into legends and myths. Some will turn into books and others will turn into movies. Some have happy endings while others have no endings at all. Even thought we all have different stories, at a deep level, we are all connected thru a common thread. This thread is a universal consciousness. This thread leads us home, to the beginning, to the source, to the ONE. To discover our story is the purpose of my work.

I wasn’t always a Life Coach. I used to practice Architecture and construction. You might say I still do the same thing, except I design and remodel people now. I used to call myself a psychic, but that sounded cheap and unprofessional. Besides, I was expected to read Tarot cards or crystal balls. So, I changed it to something more interesting and classy. I started to call myself an “Intuitive”. Being an intuitive required me to explain myself all the time. I no longer had the clients who wanted a psychic reading and others did not understand the difference. I, myself, couldn’t figure out what to say to people when they would ask me what the difference between a psychic and an intuitive was. Of course I always could say something smart like “I do not use cards!” “I do not need any tools to read”! But it was my ego that was playing out the words. The truth was that I was no longer willing to be the know all and the one with all the cards (pardon the pun). I wanted them to interact and come to their own conclusions as to what they wanted to happen in their lives. Many of my old clients who were in deep denial and not willing to look at their issues, instead wanting me to make them feel better ran way after a few of my new and improved sessions. But with time the clientele started to change. Sure, I was still dealing with people who wanted to know about love and relationships, career, kids, money, betrayal and health. You know the usual. But these clients were willing to go deeper into their own process. This slight shift in perception of my work led me to start creating workshops and seminars to attract those interested in the whys of life not just on the whys of their lives. I found this shift refreshing. After all it had become a little boring working with clients who did not want to take responsibility for their lives, but instead wanted me to fix it and tell them that they were victims of external forces but that everything was going to turn out right(magically).

During my transition as a psychic to an intuitive, I stopped giving my clients the usual remedies such as a candle to light, a prayer to use and a bath to take. Those clients that had been used to my way of reading left me when I started to point out their issues. Many of them wanted to pay me large sums of money to put spells on their boyfriends and/or to bring them money, (lucky winnings) success (their boss’s job), and revenge the wrongs done by their friends that had betrayed them. They became angry at me for not helping them the way other psychics did! I was lost, feeling frustrated and confused. Was I really being a psychic? Was I doing spiritual counseling? Had I stepped into the world of psychologist and therapists? If so, did I know what the hell I was doing? I did not have proper training in these fields. What if I cause more damage than good to someone who really needs professional help? Aha! There was the answer. “I was not a professional!”
I was a psychic trying to be an intuitive counselor but accredited in nothing! No degree, no diploma and no formal education on the human psyche. I was a charlatan, making money of people’s emotional needs. Who gave me permission to practice my work? Where did my intuitive knowledge come from?
I needed to explore this panic attack further, so I went into deep reflection and meditation. Hours passed and I drifted into a subtle sleep state I when I came out of it, I sat down in front of my computer and here is what I started to write:

Stay tune for more.....

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