Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hi there, again, I am about to shift and I want to take you with me this time. I have been feeling a little different the last few days and I know that another energy shift is happening. This shift interferes or changes the way I do my readings. I start to notice changes in my sleeping habits my food intake and my energy level. My clients all notice the change in my tone of voice and the speed in which I talk. I loose track of when I am channeling and when I am using my intellect.

Today is a Kabalistic day, 8-8-8. There is lots of mystical stuff going on with this alignment. I will tell you to take it easy and do not get into fights with your close friends or lovers. Also, please take control over your anger and disappointments. Let today be a Margarita Day!

Lots of excitement abounds the Sedona trip. I have decided to come to Tampa earlier so I can get some of the group members ready for the experience. I will be doing one on one with those who need it and for those who do not know they need it. I will be arriving on the 29th of September and will be available for individual consultation the following days prior to the trip. I also will lead a group session on OCTOBER 1ST. Keep in touch with Kareen for further information on this meeting. Please let me have your e-mails so I can keep you posted on trip changes and other events. I am planning a spiritual journey to Santa Fe and of course, an amazing trip to Brazil. The Brazil trip will include the most magnificent sceneries and spiritual encounters, sure to make it a life experience you will never forget.